ARTS - Review 补 2019.2.6

The Best Questions to Ask at Your Performance Review

Rebecca Fishbein


  • disservice n. 损害,伤害
  • specific adj. 明确的,具体的
  • exactly adv. 精确地,准确地
  • quarterly adj.季度的
  • annual adj. 每年的
  • buckets n. 桶
  • assistant n. 助理
  • Negotiable adj. 可协商的
  • striving v. 努力
  • informed adj. 有学问的 v.了解,熟悉
  • engaged adj. 忙于,从事于
  • bonus n. 奖金
  • jittery adj. 紧张不安的
  • entails v. 牵涉,需要,带来
  • temperature n. 温度
  • impacting 影响
  • attaining 获得
  • rough adj. 粗略的
  • dental hygienist adj. 牙科的,牙齿的 ,员工, 洗牙师
  • metric adj. 米制的,
  • assess v. 评估
  • frustratingly 令人沮丧的
  • vague adj. 不清楚的,模糊的
  • generalized adj. 笼统的,概括的
  • productivity n. 生产率,生产效率
  • curt adj. 简略的
  • mild adj. 温和的
  • unprompted adj. 主动的,自发的
  • trait n. 特点,特征
  • stellar adj. 优秀的
  • mentor n. 导师,顾问
  • strengthen v. 增强
  • initiative n. 主动权,
  • budget n.预算
  • presumptive adj. 很可能的,假设的
  • proactive adj. 积极主动的
  • compensation n. 补偿,
  • Typically adv. 通常地

You’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t use this time to bring up a few specific points


The primary purpose of a performance review is exactly what it sounds like: It’s an opportunity for your employer to tell you how you’re doing. But while a quarterly or annual sit-down is certainly a good time to get feedback, you aren’t doing yourself any favors if feedback is all you hope to get out of it. It’s also a chance for you, the employee, to look forward, and to get some tips on how you can grow both in your specific role and in your career, overall.


“Think about it in three buckets,” says executive coach Meg Myers Morgan, an assistant professor of public administration at the University of Oklahoma and the author of Everything is Negotiable. “It’s about the work you do now, the work you’re striving to do later, and the relationship you’re having with your manager.” A good manager will give you the space to ask about all of those things. That way, you’ll leave your review not just informed of your past performance, but armed with the tools to improve upon it in the future, which can altogether help keep you more engaged and happier at work.

“用三个桶考虑”(多方考虑),Meg Myers Morgan, 执行教练,俄克拉荷马州立大学公馆管理专业助理教授,《一切都是可协商的》作者,如是说道。“这是关于你正在做的工作,你正在奋斗的事业,你正在拥有的和你经理的关系”。一个好的经理会给你做事的空间。这样的话,你在离开会谈后不仅仅获得你对过往工作表现的了解,而且也会让你让你在未来依靠它提高,还能让你更快乐地从事你的工作。

In order to achieve this, though, you need to come prepared. If your manager asks if you have any questions, don’t just stare at them blankly. For one thing, you want to show them that you take your job and career seriously. For another, this is a rare chance to ask for things that you want. And as a bonus, the more you prepare, the less jittery you’ll be in the actual review. “Everybody feels nervous going into a performance evaluation. It’s like being called into the principal’s office,” Morgan says. “I advise thinking through what you want to say before you go in there, so you don’t get nervous and forget your side of it.”

为了实现这个,所以,你需要提前准备。如果你的经理问你有什么问题,不要空洞的注视着他们。一方面,你想要对他们表现出你对工作事业的严谨。另一方面,这也是你询问你想知道的事情的绝佳机会。作为意外收获,你越多准备,你在实际面谈中就会越少的紧张不安。“每个人在进行绩效评估中都会感到紧张。就像被叫进大学校长办公室”, 摩根说道,“我建议在进去之前就想好说什么,所以就不会感到紧张忘了你想要说的”。

Jaime Klein, founder of Inspire Human Resources, suggests doing some self-assessment in advance of your review (if you’re not sure what that entails, there are lots of sample employee evaluations online). “I encourage employees to do a temperature check on how they think they’re doing,” Klein says. “What is it that the company really values, and how does my role fit in to what the company does? What are the core values of the people that work there? How is the work that I’m doing impacting the attaining of the company’s goals?”

杰米 凯琳, 激发人类灵感 创始人,建议做一些自我回顾在会谈之前(如果你不确定说什么,这有很多 “雇员价值简易在线评估”)。 “我鼓励雇员对他们正在做的事怎么想的做一个热度检查”, 凯琳说,“公司真正的价值是什么,我的角色怎么做才更符合公司的战略?在这工作的人的核心价值是什么?我正在做的工作如何影响公司目标的实现?”

Once you’ve got a rough idea of where you stand, it’s time to come up with your questions. To get you started, here are some of the best ones to ask, no matter what your role in the company.


“How is my performance relative to your expectations?”


You don’t just want to know where you fall on a scale of one to five — you want to know exactly how your employer is defining one, five, and all the scores in between. “It’s important that you hear not just how you’re doing, but how close are you to the bar, and how high the bar is,” Klein says.

你不仅仅想知道你的分数落到1分到5分的哪里 — 你也想要确切知道你的雇主是如何定义1分,5分,和他们之间所有的分数的。“不仅你要听到怎么做,还要知道你离目标多远,目标有多高”, 凯琳说。

For instance, you may think you’re doing well because you write four blog posts a day, but it turns out the company would like you to write five. Or you’ve hit X number of sales targets, but your manager draws the line for success at Y. “If you’re a customer-service rep for Home Depot, what is your rating after a call with a customer? If you’re a dental hygienist, how healthy are your patients that get your care?” Klein says. “It’s about understanding what the metric is.”

例如,你可能觉得自己做的很好因为你每天写四个博客文章,但是公司希望你写五个。或者你已经触及 某个目标数字X,但是你的经理写了成功数字是Y。“如果你是一个Home Depot公司的客服,你和客户通话后的排名是多少?如果你是一个洗牙师,得到你护理的客户变得多健康?“凯琳说,“这就是关于理解标准是什么。”

“What other metrics are you using to assess how I’m doing?”


Sometimes performance reviews can be frustratingly formal and vague, with ratings systems for generalized categories like time management and productivity. But as Morgan points out, your manager may also be evaluating more specific aspects of your performance without you even realizing it.


“I had a client whose emails were really curt, and she just didn’t know it,” Morgan says. Though something that mild might not come up in your review unprompted, it’ll be helpful for you to ask, especially because every manager pays attention to different things. If you know what bothers yours, you can tackle those small issues before they become larger ones.


“What do you see are my strengths? What do you see are my weaknesses?”


Jennifer Kraszewski, vice president of human resources at the online human resources provider Paycom, says you shouldn’t shy away from asking your manager for specific feedback, even on smaller things like past projects. “It’s very important for the employee to be comfortable asking their leader, ‘What things can I improve upon? What things am I doing well on? What does my growth track look like within my department?’” she writes in an email. “And leaders should be able to speak to all of those things.”

杰妮芙 克莱威斯克 人类资源在线供应商 Paycom 的副总说,你不应该羞于向你的经历提问获得专业反馈,甚至在更小的事情上,如过去的项目。“对雇员来说舒服的问他领导非常重要, ‘哪些事上我可以提高?那些事我做的好?在我们部门我的成长轨迹是什么?’“她在一封邮件中写道。“领导应该告诉你这一切事情。”

And if you’re comfortable doing so, you should feel free to press your manager for more detail when it comes to addressing your weaker areas. “If your leader does not give specific feedback about what you can improve upon, continue to ask for those examples,” Kraszewski says. “Some leaders are not as good at giving constructive feedback as others, so if you don’t get those specifics, it’s harder for you as an employee to know where you need to improve.”


“What are the skills and traits that I need to get to the next level?”


Even if you’re not on track for a promotion, you should be constantly striving to move up. This shows your employer you care about your job, your company, and your career, and it’ll also help you feel more engaged in all three.


“So much energy is spent on low performers to get them to expectations,” Klein says. “If you get a stellar review, you should say, ‘Fantastic, what can I do to get myself prepared to grow my role even more? Is there a mentor externally or internally you can recommend? Is there a class I can take? What core experiences do I need?’”


This is also a good time to ask how you can help strengthen your team, particularly if you had a good review. “Deep down, what every leader wants to do is surround themselves with really strong people so they themselves can grow their own career,” Klein says. “If an employee asks, ‘How can I help you be successful, or help the department be more successful, or can I be part of an initiative?’ every leader loves for an employee to ask how they can help success happen.”

这也是询问你如何帮助你的团队变得更强的一个好的时机,尤其是你获得了好的评估。“在内心深处,每个领导都希望真正强的人围在他的左右,以便他们发展自己的事业”,凯琳说,“如果一个员工问,‘我如何能帮你成功,或者帮助部门更成功,或者’我如何成为拥有主动权的一部分呢?’ 每个领导都喜欢员工问如何帮他们让成功发生。”

“What is in the budget for professional development?”


It sounds presumptive to ask your manager for company money, but it can actually be a great way to show that you’re proactive. If your manager thinks you need to improve in specific areas, it’s fair to ask them if there are any resources available to help you do that. For instance, if public speaking isn’t your strength, you could ask if you could work with a coach. If you’d like to improve your design skills, perhaps there’s money in the budget for a class.


Note that it’s extra helpful to offer your manager some concrete suggestions for ways they could invest in you, rather than just asking what they suggest. “Leaders have 25 things in their inbox that have to be answered and dealt with at any given time,” Klein says. “If an employee comes to the performance review and says, ‘I’ve given this thought, I have this ask,’ it saves time.”

注意,这是一些额外的帮助来让你的经理提供一些对你投资的实际的方式,而不是仅仅问他们的建议。“领导邮箱中有25件事,在任何时候都必须回复和处理,“凯琳说,“如果一个员工来到绩效评估会上说, ‘我给出如下思考,有这些提问’, 那就节省时间了”。

“Can we talk about my compensation?”


Typically, a performance review is an appropriate time to ask for a raise. “You should ask if there’s any opportunity to increase your salary. It’s a fair question to ask during a review time,” says David Rock, CEO of the NeuroLeadership Institute and author of Your Brain at Work. But if you’re going to ask for more money, make sure you come armed with the reasons you deserve it.

通常,一个绩效评估会是一个合适的时机去要求升级,“你应该问是否有机会涨薪。在会谈期间提问是一个非常合理的问题”,大卫 石头 , NeuroLeadership Institute CEO, 《你的大脑在工作》作者, 如是说到。但是如果你准备要更多的钱,确定你有足够值得的理由。

“Make sure you’ve got strong market research or a value you’ve brought to the organization,” Morgan says. “You can say, ‘I think I’ve contributed in these ways and I’m interested in looking for raise this year, is that possible?’”

“Then,” she adds, “the goal there is to be very quiet.”

“确定你已经获得强大的市场研究或带给组织足够的价值”, 摩根说,“你可以说, ‘我认为今年我已经努力在用这几种我感兴趣的方式来获得提升,这可以吗?’”

“然后”, 她补充道,“那个目标是非常平静的。”