ARTS - Review

Python StringIO and BytesIO Compared With Open()


  1. StringIO and BytesIO are methods that manipulate string and bytes data in memory.
  2. StringIO is used for string data and BytesIO is used for binary data.
  3. This classes create file like object that operate on string data.
  4. The StringIO and BytesIO classes are most useful in scenarios where you need to mimic a normal file.
  1. 字符IO和字节IO是在内存中操纵字符字节数据的方法
  2. 字符IO用在字符数据,字节IO用作二进制数据
  3. 此类创建对字符串数据进行操作的类似于文件的对象。
  4. StringIO 和 BytesIO 类在需要模拟普通文件的场景中最为有用。