
Here are 100 commonly used English sentences for daily conversation. Some of these sentences can be adapted to suit various situations:

  1. Good morning.
  2. Good afternoon.
  3. Good evening.
  4. How are you?
  5. I’m fine, thank you.
  6. What’s your name?
  7. My name is [Your Name].
  8. Nice to meet you.
  9. How’s the weather today?
  10. It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy.
  11. What time is it?
  12. It’s [time] o’clock.
  13. I’m sorry, I don’t know the time.
  14. Can you help me, please?
  15. Of course, what do you need help with?
  16. Excuse me, where is the restroom?
  17. The restroom is over there.
  18. How much does this cost?
  19. It costs [amount] dollars.
  20. Can I have the bill, please?
  21. Thank you very much.
  22. You’re welcome.
  23. Have a nice day!
  24. Goodbye!
  25. See you later.
  26. What do you do for a living?
  27. I work as a [job title].
  28. Where are you from?
  29. I’m from [country or city].
  30. What’s your favorite food?
  31. My favorite food is [food].
  32. How old are you?
  33. I’m [age] years old.
  34. Do you speak any other languages?
  35. Yes, I speak [language].
  36. No, I only speak English.
  37. How do I get to [place]?
  38. Go straight and turn left/right.
  39. It’s on your left/right.
  40. Can I borrow your pen?
  41. Sure, here you go.
  42. What are you doing this weekend?
  43. I’m going to [activity].
  44. I don’t have any plans yet.
  45. What’s your phone number?
  46. My phone number is [phone number].
  47. Can I have your email address?
  48. My email address is [email address].
  49. Can you repeat that, please?
  50. I didn’t catch that.
  51. Could you speak more slowly, please?
  52. I understand.
  53. I don’t understand.
  54. I agree with you.
  55. I disagree.
  56. That’s interesting.
  57. That’s funny.
  58. That’s a great idea.
  59. What do you think about [topic]?
  60. In my opinion, [your thoughts].
  61. I’m not sure.
  62. Let me think about it.
  63. Can you recommend a good restaurant?
  64. I’d recommend [restaurant name].
  65. What would you like to eat?
  66. I’d like to order [dish].
  67. Can I have a coffee, please?
  68. How do you take your coffee?
  69. I take my coffee with milk/sugar/black.
  70. Can I have a glass of water, please?
  71. What are your hobbies?
  72. I enjoy [hobby].
  73. What kind of music do you like?
  74. I like [genre] music.
  75. What’s your favorite movie?
  76. My favorite movie is [movie title].
  77. What’s your favorite book?
  78. My favorite book is [book title].
  79. I’m tired.
  80. I’m hungry.
  81. I’m thirsty.
  82. I’m cold.
  83. I’m hot.
  84. I need to go.
  85. Have a safe trip.
  86. I hope you feel better soon.
  87. Happy birthday!
  88. Congratulations!
  89. Good luck!
  90. I’m sorry for your loss.
  91. I’m so happy for you!
  92. Long time no see!
  93. That sounds fun.
  94. That’s very kind of you.
  95. Do you need any assistance?
  96. Can you give me a hand?
  97. I’ll be there in a minute.
  98. How long will it take?
  99. Can I make a reservation?
  100. What’s the wifi password?

These sentences should provide a good foundation for everyday English conversations. Keep practicing, and you’ll become more comfortable using them in different situations.